People-focused organisational development Perth

Research has shown that there is often a multitude of factors that impact culture, whether that be leadership, the vision and direction of the organisation, or performance expectations, or a combination of these and others. At People Solutions, experience tells our consultants that people-focused organisational development is the most effective form of organisational development. When organisational development strategies and solutions evolve from diagnostic assessments and a deep understanding of your people, your organisation flourishes, faster.

Our approach revolves around promoting a workplace where people feel connected, engaged, safe and thrive. We ensure strategies and solutions that are implemented at an individual and team level aligns to the current and future direction of the organisation.

As organisational psychologists, our services focus on promoting the success of individuals, team and organisations as well as preventing harm or risk to people.

Individual performance + team performance = organisational effectiveness

Some of our core organisational development services

Cultural Review and Health Check

Organisational culture is impacted by a range of diverse variables. We can assist organisations in understanding what these are and how they are influencing individuals and the current culture at a point in time. The review or health check can be driven by a recent or planned organisational change, research about a particular industry or workplace (e.g. enquiry into FIFO work and the impacts on the wellbeing of employees), or as a scheduled annual event.

Our approach combines both quantitative and qualitative methods of collecting information about organisational culture, with tailored designed questions and approaches based on desired outcomes and purpose.

Role Design

A successful role design processes assist organisations in fulfilling their vision, by providing alignment between business objectives and people strategies. It gives consistency, transparency and fairness across all talent management initiatives – recruitment, training, development and retention strategies. In our past work, we have assisted organisations in developing a Role Competency Profiles. We ensure these are tailored and specific to the organisation, as well as practical and user-friendly to use. We are expertise in defining behavioural anchors for each competency, ensuring these are observable and distinct for the competency they are related to. In designing a role profile we determine the work that needs to be completed, the work environment and context of this role, and the required knowledge, skills, behaviours and motivations an individual would need to be successful based on this.

Organisational Behavioural Competencies and Values

Organisational Competencies and/or Values can assist organisations to define HOW they achieve the organisational and individual goals as well as translating broader strategic goals and visions into expected employee behaviour.

Developing behavioural competencies and values is both an art and science. The importance of ensuring these frameworks are simple, distinct, and meaningful is critical to the success of the engagement and use from all employees.

People Solutions facilitates a blend of bottom-up and top-down approaches to competency or value development, in order to ensure buy in from all levels of the organisation. Our expertise is in then refining the content to ensure the above criteria is met. We work with senior leaders during this development to ensure the intended purpose of these is fulfilled in the design, as well as support and advice to ensure the development of these are integrated into the organisation’s talent development processes or systems.

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To find out more about our organisational development consulting expertise – as well as our experience driving positive change for customers across the private, public and not-for-profit sectors  – contact our organisational development consultants.

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