Pre-Employment Assessment & Selection

Select the right people

For your organisation to fulfil its potential, you need a sound understanding 
of the psychology behind attracting, assessing and ultimately engaging the 
best-fit employees. That’s why we’re here – to help you choose the right way to select and engage the right talent.

Employee selection solutions designed
specifically for your organisation

At People Solutions, we know how important it is to employ the right people in your organisation, especially when it comes to management positions and executive level roles. While the people in your business can be your most valuable assets, they can also become a major cost and risk to your organisation if they don’t possess the necessary skillset or personality type for the role or business. Even a single unsuitable individual can have a significant impact on your day to day operations and workplace culture.

Customised Pre-Employment Assessments

We’re here to help you attract and engage the most desirable talent for your organisation and ensure you get the right person in the right position from the outset. Our specialist team can help you understand the psychology behind talent selection, providing you with expert advice on how to effectively use the latest tests and assessments. Every business is different, and every role has unique requirements, which is why we tailor our selection strategies to each situation. Our advisors are highly experienced business psychologists and HR consultants who recognise there is no one size fits all solution.

Employee Selection consultancy
for organisations

At People Solutions, we cover the full talent management cycle from initial selection and employment, right through to career transitioning and outplacement services. Given the depth of our expertise, we are able to tailor our solutions to meet any set of requirements within any industry. Working in partnership with each of our clients, we design and implement processes that will overcome organisational and behavioural challenges.     

Tailored to each client’s culture and business objectives

Psychometric Assessments

We can use psychometric testing to measure a wide range of capabilities and identify a candidate’s skills, personality traits, emotional intelligence and motivations. We’re not purely interested in using a test to provide you with raw data on your pool of recruits, we’ll assist you to analyse the data and draw conclusions to support your decision-making process. We’ll also advise you on the most appropriate type of assessment for your business and the specific position you’re looking to fill and assist you to analyse the data we uncover.

Learn about our psychometric testing

Designing & Facilitating Assessment Centres

As an alternative to the standard interview recruitment process, we can facilitate an assessment centre that will allow you to understand how candidates will respond to certain situations. Our professional psychologists will liaise closely with you to design an assessment centre that is unique to your business. By tailoring the assessment centre to your requirements, we will be able to obtain highly specific data that will allow you to measure each of your candidates in relevant and meaningful ways.

Learn more about our assessment centres

Organisational Employee Selection Training

If recruitment is to become an ongoing exercise for your organisation, you may be interested in developing an in-house human resources department that is able to conduct all your talent selection activities accordingly. Our expert team can work closely with your team members to educate them in organisational selection and provide them with the knowledge and skills to independently undertake recruitment for your business.

Learn about our organisational selection training

Valuable Insights 
& Unbiased Advice

Our consultants offer you the best chance at making an optimal selection as we are a completely independent organisation. We are not a recruitment agency, so supporting and developing your business and your people is our number one priority, as opposed to other companies that are equally concerned with finding employment for their clients. At People Solutions, we are committed to providing you with objective advice to assist you in making the best possible decisions for your organisation. Everything we do is backed by industry leading research that we undertake on an ongoing basis.

Contact our team today to get started 

Related White Papers

Recruitment and Selection of Indigenous Job Candidates

This White Paper presents key findings from a People Solutions research project into the recruitment and selection of Indigenous job candidates. We reviewed academic research, in Australia and internationally, as well as interviewed Subject Matter Experts from diverse industries.

Download the white paper now

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Related Resources

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Find the best-fit talent for your organisation. Contact our team today to find out how we can add value to your selection process and capabilities.

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