Get every career transition right, every time

As experienced career transition coaching specialists, we know how difficult it can be to make transitions work, not only for employers, but employees too. But that’s exactly what our dedicated Career Transition team has done for over 20 years – helping people move up, across or on from organisations in practically every industry sector, Australia-wide.

How are our transition services different?

As professional organisational psychologists, we can help you navigate the complex process of career transition. Whether you are facing job loss, seeking to transition to a new career, or looking to re-enter the workforce, we can provide the support and resources you need to achieve your employment and career goals.

We have advanced training in career counselling, job search strategies, and the psychological aspects of job loss and career transition. This allows us to provide tailored, evidence-based support that is specifically designed to meet your needs and help you succeed during this important time.

More than career advice

Our services include one-on-one career counselling, job search training, and access to job search resources and a range of support services. We will work with you to assess your skills, interests, and career goals and develop a personalized job search plan that is right for you.

We are also committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical practice and confidentiality, ensuring that your personal and sensitive information is protected during this process.

If you are ready to take the next step in your career, we are here to help.

Speak to our career coaches today to learn more about how we can support you during your career transition.

Our career transitioning services address the following key areas:

  • Outplacement Services

    We work alongside organisations to develop comprehensive redundancy programs and provide one-on-one services to the individuals who are going through the process of redundancy.

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  • Retirement Coaching

    Our retirement coaching program is designed to support employees who are due to transition away from a career driven lifestyle.



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  • Exit Interviews

    Whether you’re experiencing high or moderate turnover, it’s always valuable to gain insight into the motivations behind why employees are choosing to step away from your organisation.


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  • Re-Enagement Workshops

    Restructures, mergers and other major organisational changes can impact on productivity and job satisfaction if these transitions are not handled correctly.


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