How we help your organisation succeed?

At People Solutions, we enable you to fulfil your organisational people goals by helping you assess, develop and harness the potential in people. Our professional and organisational development consultants provide the insights, coaching and support that individuals, teams and organisations need at every stage of the human resource journey.

How do we maximise your return on investment (ROI)?

We use industry-leading diagnostics as the foundation for all our solutions, which provide invaluable data that we not only decipher for you, but translate into even more valuable psychological insights.

These insights inform and optimise the practical solutions we deliver, ensuring everything we do is tailored to your specific requirements and, therefore, delivers maximum value.

Our consultants partner with customers across the individual, team and organisational development employment cycle:

Attraction & Selection


  • Personality Profiling
  • Emotional Intelligence Assessment
  • Motivational Assessment
  • Ability Assessment
  • Skills Assessment
  • Safety Assessment
  • Job Analysis


  • Assessment Centres
  • Assessor Training
  • Facilitator Training
  • Behavioural Interview Training
Development & Retention


  • Leadership Profiling and Succession Planning
  • 360 Degree Feedback Assessments
  • Team Effectiveness Profiling
  • Cultural and Engagement Surveys and Reviews
  • Organisational and Role Reviews
  • Exit and Stay Interviews


  • Individual Coaching
  • Team Coaching
  • Leadership Development and Coaching Programs
  • Development Centres
  • Team Building Workshops (MBTI)
  • Career Management Programs
  • Re-engagement Workshops
Safety Solutions


  • Individual Safety Attributes Test (ISAT)
  • Leadership Safety Attributes Test (LSAT)
  • Psychological Risk Assessment and Action Plan


  • ISAT Accreditation
  • LSAT Accreditation
  • Safety Leadership Workshops
  • Manager Program - Implementation of Psychosocial Risk and Hazard Controls
Transition & Outplacement


  • Birkman Assessment
  • Skills, Values, Interest and Motivational Assessments


  • Career Transition and Outplacement Services
  • Worklife Horizon - Retirement Intentions
  • Career Centres
  • Manager Transition Workshops

Commercial Research Lab

This end-to-end capability is important. It means our organisational and professional development consultants are able to work with your management, human resources and safety teams to design holistic solutions that provide a clear competitive advantage and maximum value for money.

Learn more about our story and how we help organisations. Alternatively, meet the leaders behind our solutions or, better still, contact us for an informal discussion about your organisational goals.

Let’s talk