Transition services that deliver positive outcomes for everyone

Our Career Transition & Outplacement services team in Perth and across Australia provides support designed with both employees and employers in mind.

From outplacement support and job-search support for individuals who have been made redundant, to supporting employees who are choosing to make a career transition. Our career coaches work to ensure positive outcomes for everyone.

We provide end-to-end organisational development solutions that consider the full career cycle and its impact on both the individual and the organisation. As experienced career transition coaching and outplacement services specialists, we understand the challenges faced by employees and employers during times of major change. Our area of expertise lies in tailoring strategies to executive-level professionals and employees in high-volume operational roles.

For current leaders, and future leaders.

Outplacement Services for Organisations

Our outplacement services for organisations ensure your employees are supported consistently and to a high standard.

We provide organisations with:

  • Programs for all levels, from operational to executive
  • Regional/remote delivery, including career centres and remote onsite support
  • Strategy and process planning assistance
  • On-site support on the day of announcement
  • Management support and training

Outplacement      Exit Interviews

As a leading provider of outplacement services, our Perth-based psychologists and outplacement experts have worked with some of WA’s largest employers since 1999.

We also have teams in all capital cities across Australia and New Zealand, so if you have operations nationwide, we can ensure your employees are supported consistently and to a high standard, no matter where they are.

We’ve assisted with a host of complex, large-scale organisational restructures, delivering tailored outplacement support in a timely and transparent manner – often at short notice – ensuring employees get all the help they need, while being cost effective to the employer.

Career Transition Services for Individuals

Our goal is to help you find a new role in a short period of time that is both satisfying and rewarding by providing you with:

  • One-on-one career transition programs and workshops
  • Emotional and practical support through change
  • A range of service delivery modes, including face-to-face, phone and virtual
  • Retirement coaching program designed to support employees who are due to transition away from a career-driven lifestyle.

Career Transition     Retirement Coaching

Our coaches will work with you and help you understand the emotional reaction that can be experienced, and, gain clarity as to what the next options and steps should be.

In the case you may want to be in a similar role that is both challenging and satisfying, our Coaches can work on the development of a job search plan that will take you through a staged process of understanding the employment market, developing the right tools and materials to go to market, and building the confidence to interview and network to secure a new opportunity.

People Solutions have a unique approach to Career Transition/Outplacement

Our approach based upon understanding both the organisation and individuals need for support and guidance through the transition process. Our service is future focused and supported by a strong knowledge of the talent market, people’s needs at all levels, and the individual’s psychological journey.

Reach out to our team to find out more.


What is Career Transition/Outplacement?

Career Transition/Outplacement is a benefit that the employer provides to help employees at all levels to manage the emotion and transition challenges of a severance or redundancy package. It is provided to assist them in finding a new role or career.

People Solutions services focus on supporting the departing employees’ emotions, identifying their career drivers and options, improving the skills needed for re-employment which includes crafting resumes and cover letters, utilising LinkedIn, online sites, interviewing, networking and negotiating salaries.

Why should you use it?

It’s good business to support people who are leaving your organisation, particularly in a market where employees are focused on the values and commitment of their employer. Career Transition/Outplacement services build on:

  • Your organisation’s brand – Our programs highlight that an employer cares about its people. Business brands that are viewed favourably typically have a better chance of recruiting and retaining talent in the future.
  • Risk mitigation – Employees commonly feel angry or frustrated when departing, but if they know that their former employer is going to help them get another job, it may reduce the trauma and emotional impact and provide much-needed support.
  • Supporting employee morale – Redundancies have a significant impact on workplace culture and well-being. Employers who clearly explain that support services are available to departing employees help ease anxiety among the remaining workers and keep them engaged.

When should we use Career Transition/Outplacement?

Our services can be used at any stage through the consultancy period, redundancy process or workout, or as part of a redeployment or termination process. Many organisations will provide support services to employees well before the redundancy date. The services can help reassure employees who are departing that they are not alone, and while the market may be daunting, there is support available and a new future to pursue.

People Solutions support is flexible so that it can start before people leave, when they leave, or even after they have taken a break and are ready to get their career back on track and/or find a new job.

How much does it cost?

The cost of Career Transition/Outplacement services varies depending on the needs of the organisation, the professional level of the impacted employees, and the transferability of the employees’ skills and experience.

We offer flexibility and customisation based on both the employer’s budgets and the employee’s needs. Our fees can also vary based on the number of employees enrolled and the types of services provided, which means there’s usually an option for every budget.

People Solutions experience and capabilities allow us to offer services to all levels with our Directors and Senior Consultants working with C-Suite individuals and our experienced Consultants working with professionals, semi-professionals, trades and administrative staff. Prices are also fixed per employee, regardless of how long it takes someone to land employment.

How long does it last?

Our Consultants work one-to-one with departing employees to provide them with support within the confines of the program provided by their employer. However, we will always continue to support them until they find their next opportunity! That means that if someone finds work in three months – great. If not, we will continue to support them even if it takes longer than the set program provided.

Everyone has different needs and setting a time limit for the service greatly reduces the chances of an individual finding a new job.

Our services are also very flexible so the individual can utilise the Outplacement service when it suits them. While many employers ask that the employee starts within 3-6 months of departure, there can be instances where maternity leave and personal circumstances will delay this. That’s ok by us!

What is the value to the participant?

When your organisation partners with a specialist provider like People Solutions, you’re supporting your people in a number of ways including:

  • Emotional and well-being support at a time of personal change and potential stress.
  • Support for the individual to focus on their future and to move forward quickly.
  • The opportunity for the departing employee to stop and think about their career and employment options with an independent expert who has a strong background in career transition.
  • Coaching support while the individual navigates to market and deals with frustrations, technology, and challenges in finding a new role.
  • Developing skills and knowledge that will help them navigate their career and employment for the future.

Our role is to help your people move forward to a new and better future!

Why should we pay for a program and not just per hour?

People Solutions are a specialist Career Transition/Outplacement provider, that delivers programs of support rather than an ‘as utilised’ basis. Our programs are not an hourly EAP, but rather provide a full range of individual support, coaching, resources, templates, materials (including our Transition journal), office and administrative support, networks and referrals to assist with both career and job search.

We take a lot of time upfront when we meet people to coach, counsel and support them, as well as provide the materials and resources they require to get started on their transition. As a result, we provide a lot of materials and support soon after the initial meeting and our services are typically invoiced when the individual engages in the program.

We do appreciate that any organisation would only want to pay for services provided and hence we are more than happy to keep you advised as the employee progresses through their program and career transition.

What if our people don’t want to use it?

There is no fee if they choose not to utilise the services.

Our first step is always to make time to meet with the departing employee, understand their needs and clearly explain our services and how we might assist. They can then consider in their own time if the services are right for them. There’s no sales spiel or pressure to engage – we only work with those employees who truly want our assistance.

If they don’t want to use the service, we wish them well and let you know. There is no charge for the appointment.

Can you offer support in specialist fields?

Career Transition/Outplacement isn’t just for people in senior roles or for employees who have lost their job in a restructuring. People at all levels can benefit from career transition services after redundancy, termination and ‘agreed departures’ when both parties agree that there is a better path for the employee to follow.

Our Director and Consultants have strong experience in assisting a range of individuals, from C-Suite leaders to professionals, graduates, trades and administrative support workers. We work with clients in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors, delivering both high-volume projects and sensitive one-off redundancies.

There are also specialist services for executives and employees considering retirement.

How do I inform my employee about the service?

Typically, the organisation will ask for our People Solutions ‘Introduction to Career Transition’ brochure that clearly explains the services. This can be passed to the impacted employee and/or included in the redundancy information pack.

We also recognise that in some instances there are concerns about departing employees’ emotional reactions and well-being. Our Consultants can contact employees directly and be available to meet the individual on-site at the time of the departure announcement where we can introduce our services and support.

Contact our consultants about your people and cultural goals.

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