Psychosocial Climate, Risk, & Hazard Management

Our services encompass psychosocial risk and hazard evaluations, along with the design and delivery of interventions aimed at fostering a secure and supportive work environment  Drawing on our expertise in organisational psychology we specialise in diagnosing the core issues causing stress, burnout, and bullying & conflict in the workplace; guiding effective organisational change; and enhancement of workplace.

How does People Solutions assist organisations in reducing psychosocial risks and hazards?

In recent times, state governments have increasingly emphasised to organisations their responsibilities in ensuring they provide a safe workplace. Through additional codes of practices and multiple communication avenues, it is clear leaders are required to not only address the physical aspects of health and safety (such as protective equipment, working at heights, and handling chemicals) but also the psychosocial aspects of fostering a safe and healthy work environment (such as managing negative interactions with others, handling excessive workloads, and promoting individual agency).

How We Can Help

This is where People Solutions can help. As Psychologists who specialise in organisational psychology, we have extensive knowledge, expertise, and understanding of people, work, and ensuring a healthy and productive work environment for all. When you partner with us, you can ensure you are helping your people succeed at work; that is, they are happy, mentally well, and engaged.

When people within your organisation are experiencing a range of negative psychological health and/or work outcomes, our job is to understand the root cause of these symptoms and provide solutions that not only meet your legal obligations but also create sustainable, positive change. Our approach will reduce your organisational risk while saving you time and money, fostering a culture where everyone is proactive in identifying and managing psychosocial risks and hazards.

Our approach and methodology align with Safe Work Australia and WorkSafe Western Australia’s psychosocial and relevant codes of practice and can be best presented as two key phases – Identification and Implementation.

Identification – Psychosocial Audit and Road Map

  • Audit: We offer both comprehensive organisational audits and targeted audits of specific teams or business units. This audit can be tailored to meet the organisation’s specific needs and may include all or some of the following methods:
    • Desktop gap analysis of current strategies, policies, practices, and organisational data against legislation requirements and/or best practices.
    • Conducting and/or reviewing results from culture, engagement, safety and/or specific psychosocial risks and hazards surveys.
    • Focus groups and/or interviews utilising an appreciative inquiry approach.
  • Recommendations and Road Map: Based on the gathered data, we create a detailed report with recommendations and a road map to assist the organisation in leveraging strengths. Our approach prioritises and addresses key psychosocial risks and hazards identified, drawing on our understanding of job resources, demands, and controls and the relationships between these.

Implementation – Creating a positive psychosocial climate and culture

  • Education and Training:
    • Information Sessions for Executives: These sessions aim to communicate the audit results as well as to discuss the importance of leadership, emphasising critical success factors for implementing the recommendations and road map.
    • Education and Training Sessions with Managers/Supervisors: These sessions not only communicate results but also increase knowledge and skills in critical areas for this role level to assist in the implementation of the road map
  • Climate and Cultural Transformation: Utilising Leadership and Team Coaching methodology to ensure a positive psychosocial climate and psychologically safe culture for the organisation into the future.
  • Consulting Support and Advice: Assisting HR and HSE with areas of recommendations. People Solutions leverages our expertise in recruitment and selection practices, as well as organisation-role/work-person fit analysis and design.

Why People Solutions?

External Experts for Objectivity and Confidentiality

Engaging external experts ensures objectivity and confidentiality, providing an accurate assessment of the organisation’s current state.

Expertise in Multi-Method Approaches

We bring experience in employing multi-method approaches to identify and assess psychosocial risks and hazards. Our consultants consistently receive positive feedback for being engaging, professional, and friendly, creating an environment where employees are open and honest.

Unique Understanding Through Organisational Psychology Training

With a foundation in organisational psychology training and our core consulting services, we possess a unique understanding and ability to provide preventative solutions and ensure longer-term, sustainable change.

For a deeper understanding of why you should work with People Solutions, we invite you to explore our case studies or read our blogs on this topic. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals in minimising psychosocial risks and hazards in your workplace.

Who is this information for?

HR Professionals

Reduce Psychosocial Risks:

Our psychosocial audits and roadmaps are designed to identify and address the root causes of stress, burnout, and other issues. We assist you in implementing best practices and developing effective policies to mitigate risk and promote employee well-being.

Enhance Employee Engagement:

Through leadership development programs, team coaching initiatives, and positive culture change strategies, we empower HR professionals to build a more engaged and resilient workforce.

Compliance and Best Practices:

We provide expert guidance to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and the implementation of best practices in psychosocial risk management.

Health & Safety Professionals

Strengthen Safety Culture:

We help you integrate psychosocial risk management into your existing safety culture, ensuring a holistic approach to employee well-being and safety.

Identify and Assess Risk:

Our expertise in psychosocial hazard identification and assessment helps you pinpoint areas of concern and develop targeted interventions.

Data-Driven Psychosocial Risk Management:

We leverage data and analytics to measure the effectiveness of your interventions and continuously improve your psychosocial risk management strategies.  

Executives & Managers

Lead with Emotional Intelligence

We provide leadership development programs that equip leaders with the skills and knowledge to create a supportive and psychologically safe work environment.

Boost Employee Performance:

By addressing psychosocial risks and promoting employee well-being, we help you unlock the full potential of your workforce and enhance performance.

Build a Positive Culture:

Our organisational change management expertise helps you cultivate a culture of trust, respect, and open communication, where everyone feels valued and empowered.

Anyone Seeking Knowledge

Insights and Resources:

Our blog and case studies offer valuable insights on managing psychosocial risks and creating a positive work environment.


Tailored Solutions:

We provide customised workshops and presentations to educate and equip individuals and organisations with the knowledge and skills needed to address psychosocial risks effectively.


Promoting a Healthier Workplace:

We are committed to raising awareness about psychosocial risks and sharing best practices to create a safer and healthier work environment for everyone.

View all case studies

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Taking organisations from good to great!

Our goal in working with customers is to not only ensure you are complying with health and safety regulations, but to go above this, to ensure your people are engaged, productive and highly valued by their organisation – taking organisations from good to great!

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